Feminine Leadership Training

learn how to lead yourself & others without burning out

Hi, female leader

Welcome to your journey towards embodied leadership

I believe that you were meant to LEAD. You came to this world to have an impact. You made your life experiences to share them with others. There is a part within you that feels that sense of purpose and the drive to contribute to a better world and workplace. You care about people. You are driven. You want to contribute.

And there is a part within you that feels increasingly tired and burned out. Although you work tirelessly, somehow your achievements never seem β€œenough”. You might be comparing yourself to others and there is always a next level. You might be looking out for others around you, but might forget your own needs. You are afraid to fail and let other people down. Setting boundaries and showing your emotions are challenging for you. You are a fast learner and have a strong mind, but you find it hard to connect to your body and really know what you want or need.

You might have bought into the idea that in order to climb up the ladder, you need to be strong like the men around you. And so you brought out that tough side within you. You worked your way up. And that brought you far, but there is a whole other side of you that wants to be seen and heard. And a part within you knows that if you continue this way, you will eventually crash.

I see you. I have worked with countless female leaders who were on the brink of burnout, because of their perfectionist tendencies, difficulty to set boundaries and disconnection from their body and emotions. And I have been there myself too.

That is why I believe that a different kind of leadership is possible for you. A kind of leadership that you define and that allows you to tap into different parts within you that help you lead without burning out. I believe that there is untapped potential within you and that by exploring your feminine side and feminine leadership you will reach your next level - in a sustainable and more aligned way.

The world needs more female leaders who define how they want to lead. The world needs more empathy, compassion, emotional intelligence and bringing in sustainability into the picture. We need to build more bridges and form inclusive teams. Our workplaces need more people-focused decisions and allowing employees to fail, grow & be seen and accepted for who they are.

The world needs you.

That is why I invite you to join me on this journey. It will be a wild, adventurous, challenging and incredibly rewarding ride. And it will drastically change the way you lead yourself others.

This training is for you if..

  • You are a woman in a leadership position or striving to get into a leadership position (that can be a a manager, but also a teacher, coach, business owner etc.)

  • You would like to define and strengthen the way you lead yourself and others to live your potential and empower others without losing inspiration

  • You would like to learn and apply proven skills and tools that help you step into your role as an empowering feminine leader without burning out

  • You would like to connect to like-minded women who will share this journey with you

Does this sound familiar?

  • You have achieved a lot in life, but you might be feeling disconnected and sometimes numb inside despite your outside achievements

  • You might be starting to feel burned out, because your are trying to be ever more perfect and satisfy other people’s needs, but it never seems enough

  • You have followed the narrative that in order to succeed in business you need to adapt a masculine leadership style and be a β€œstrong woman”, but deep within you know that there is a whole other side of you full of wisdom

  • you think that you have to do it all by yourself and asking for support is often hard for you

  • You find it hard to voice your emotions, but you would like to harness the power of your emotions, vulnerability, intuition, cycle and creativity in business and life

The training journey

The journey is divided into two main parts.


You will first dive into your relationship with yourself and practice skills and tools that help you lead yourself in a way that supports you to stay inspired and balanced on your life journey. We start with YOU because I believe that only if you can be an empowering leader to yourself, can you consequently be an empowering leader to others in a sustainable way. You can only lead authentically and by example if you know who the authentic you is. You can only truly communicate empathetically with others, if you can have self-compassion with yourself first.

Self-leadership is made up of four sub-categories as you see illustrated in my model. We will start by training your self-awareness of your body, mind, heart & soul with tools such as mindfulness, meditation, self-reflection and yoga. Self-awareness helps you to foster your understanding of your inner world: your identity, thoughts and emotions. So many female leaders I work with are disconnected from their body, intuition and feminine side. In this step we will embark on the (re-)discovery of these parts of you to find more wholeness and balance. We will also investigate limiting beliefs that hinder you from living your potential or increase the risk of burning out. This step is the foundation of your leadership journey as well as of a happy life.

In the self-regulation module you will learn to identify and regulate your emotions. Maybe you are trying to always show a happy and optimistic version of yourself, but within there is a whole rainbow of emotions waiting to get tapped into. There is for instance so much power in anger and yet so many women are afraid to feel and embody anger, because that might not be what a β€œgood girl” does. We will work on stress management and you will also gain more knowledge on how you can bring more self-compassion and self-acceptance into your life. We will practice vulnerability and look at perfectionist tendencies and how β€œnever enough” might be driving you to ever bigger achievements without ever reaching β€œenough”.

The third part of the self-leadership model consists of self-belief. So many women appear confident on the outside, but within they are so critical of themselves. They might also be afraid that one day somebody will uncover that they are an impostor and don’t actually know what they are doing. We are also so often used to tie our worth to outside achievements and our levels of confidence consequently fluctuate greatly. In this part of the training we will strengthen your purpose, your innate confidence and your self-determination, so you can be the confident female leader you were meant to be and take up your space without apologizing for it!

Last but not least we will look at self-growth. I believe that if we can re-write our past experiences as learnings, then we are able to grow forward. When you can see your strengths and challenges as your uniqueness that can benefit the world and the workplace, you feel empowered. Growth potential is one of the main human needs in today’s workplace - so we start by developing a growth plan for yourself.


In the second part of the journey we will turn our focus more outwards and dive deeper into how to lead others. After having practiced to enter into an empowering relationship with yourself, we will investigate how you can implement this knowledge in your relationship with others. You will reflect on what kind of role model you want to be in business & life and how you can hold space for others to tap into their self-leadership potential.

We will look at team dynamics, coaching and communication strategies and how you can empower your employees or people around you to step into their power. You will learn how to set healthy boundaries, how to give effective feedback and how to implement a culture within your team that enables employees to feel safe to try, fail forward and grow.

healthy feminine and masculine leadership qualities

I believe that an empowering leader embodies healthy feminine and masculine leadership qualities. The philosophy of yin & yang illustrates two complementary forces coming together. These forces are interdependent so that the definition of one requires the definition for the other to be complete. Yin is more associated with darkness, female, receiving, being, the night and the moon. Yang is more associated with the day, action, male, sun and passion. These forces are not gender-specific, but are potentials that we all can tap into. They are neither negative or positive, but we can live them in balanced or unhealthy ways.

I believe that there has been a bias towards leadership qualities being predominantly masculine. Often people still associate being assertive, competitive, goal-oriented, decisive, determined, disciplined, strong and rational with a successful leader. Although these qualities are great assets to tap into, they are only half the picture.

If we look at the state of the world - we see that half of the picture is missing. Although in Switzerland we have never had such a high standard of living before, burnout and depression are on the rise. In the race for ever more, faster and better, we forgot to be and live our feminine side.

In studying hundreds of female coaching clients, I see a direct correlation between over- or under-active feminine and masculine attributes and the risk of burnout (see illustration β€œunhealthy leadership poles”). For instance if you tend to embody more of the masculine values and less of the female qualities, you might be always focused on the next achievement and nothing ever seems enough. You might be very driven and constantly in doing-mode, but it is very hard for you to re-charge and be. The body will be working with you (and sending you signs of warning that it needs a rest, such as bad sleep, inability to focus as much as before etc.) and you can burn on until you might burn out.

If on the other hand the unhealthy feminine attributes are too active and the masculine not active enough, you might be constantly available for everyone to talk to you and you have a hard time to set boundaries. You might be looking out for everyone else, even take on other people’s tasks (to seemingly be in control), but you might forget what you need. By constantly giving and being there for others, you might neglect yourself, which also increases the risk of burnout in the long run.

A lot of women (me included) bought into the story that in order to prove that we are equal to men, we need to be strong in a masculine sense. Yet, real strength for me now is not only how assertive you can be, it is how vulnerable and empathetic you can be. I don’t care how empty your inbox is, I care how much you care. We don’t need more success in terms of financial rewards, we need more people-focus through kindness, emotional intelligence and compassion. We all get to foster that part within us that knows that we are part of this planet to grow, learn, connect and evolve - together and not against each other.

During the second module you will reflect on which qualities you are tapping into on a regular basis, which ones you rely on too heavily and where there is potential for you to harness.

find your own way

In the course of this training I invite you to develop your own leadership style that works for you and your specific lifestyle and personality traits. I invite you to really live your strengths, work on your challenges and embrace your wholeness as a leader. You will get a lot of different input, tools and inspiration and in the end you will define what works for you. Everybody is unique and so your leadership style will be different from someone else’s style. The more you can embody your truth, the more you can sustain your energy to continue being the empowering leader you are.

Why work with Selin and enroll in this training?

You might be excited, interested, but wondering why to pick this training and why to work with me?

First of all - let me introduce myself: my name is Selin. I have many passions, but my biggest one is empowering women to grow into the empowering and badass leaders.

I would love to give you more insights into my academic, professional and personal background and the tools & methods I use, to allow you to decide if this training is for you or not.

In this training I combine all my different life influences, experiences, degrees and learnings to help you grow into an inspiring leader without burning out.

I bring together two (seemingly) different worlds to form a unique and powerful set of training tools. On the one hand you will benefit from my academic and professional background and experiences from the world of work - particularly when it comes to the module of leading others. On the other hand you will learn more and immerse yourself in the coaching, yoga and mindfulness world to know hands-on tools that help you become an empowering leader to yourself first. You will also benefit from my extensive experience in coaching women that are or were in similar situations like you. Out of the analysis of these coaching and retreat experiences, I developed my own (self-)leadership models that will help you bring more clarity into your leadership experience.

Last but not least - I am a very curious feminist generalist who loves to learn and teach. I love to challenge you to get out of your comfort zone and become a freer version of yourself. I am a very optimistic and empowering leader and have learned through my own story with perfectionism, high-achieving tendencies and total disconnection from my body and emotions, what it can feel like to be at the brink of a burnout. I have been there and it taught me so much that I am really passionate about sharing with you. And I know that it CAN BE DIFFERENT.

The training logistics in short

group size: only 10 spots available


12 weeks (the online content can be self-paced)


hybrid training

This feminine leadership training consist of two in-person retreats, an online training platform and weekly live online sessions.

online training

You will have the training material on an online platform that you can go through in your own pace.

online sessions

We will meet on a weekly basis on zoom.

retreat 1 - 26.5.-29.5.

In the middle we will meet for an in-person retreat at the Bergengel in the Bernese Alps.

retreat 2 - 5.7.-9.7.

At the end of the training we will meet for our second retreat at the Pension Finel close to the Lake of Thun.


training & course material:

normal price 2499 CHF

Early Bird until March 15: 1999 CHF

retreat costs:

Bergengel (3 nights, all meals included)

  • double room 550 CHF

  • single room 650 CHF

Pension Finel (4 nights, all meals included)

  • single room: 850 CHF

  • double room: 750 CHF

Certificate of Completion:

Upon completion you will get a certificate of completion in leadership training if you meet the following criteria:

  • attended 80% of live calls

  • attended both in person retreats

  • completed 80% on the course platform

  • met the criteria of the final reflective essay

vision & intention setting

Week 1

We start by setting an intention and vision for this journey and by slowly easing into this space of getting to know ourselves, our leadership styles and co-travellers in this training.

leading yourself

Week 2-4

Dive into your inner world and get intimately acquainted with your body, mind & soul. Explore your strengths, learnings and uniqueness. Learn how to regulate your emotions, how to influence the constant chatter in your mind and how to build a relationship with yourself that serves you.

retreat : self-leadership in practice


In the first retreat in the Bergengel (Kandertal, BE) we will put into practice and deepen what we learned in the previous weeks. We will learn and put into practice tools and input about self-awareness, self-regulation and self-belief. We will do yoga, have workshops and reflection time and spend time in nature to relax.

self-leadership integration

Week 5-6

After our retreat we take time to integrate and for the knowledge to become more of who we are and how we live life. We start putting into practice what we have learned in our everyday lives and start implementing habits that help you bring out your best self.

leading others

Week 6-10

Now we will turn outwards and learn about leadership topics. We will look at communication strategies, coaching know-how, group dynamics, setting boundaries, delegating, negotiation, money, empowering your employees or people around you and much more!

retreat : leading others in practice


In the second retreat we will continue learning and implementing the topic of leading others without burning out. We will have hands-on workshops, group exercises, self-reflection - all still embedded in a self-leadership program of yoga, nature and other self-care practices.

first retreat - Bergengel

The Bergengel is a lovely retreat house in the Bernese Alps. the former farmhouse has been beautifully renovated and is a perfect location to come to relax, learn and integrate. The yoga room is bright and welcoming. The vegeterian food is seasonal and colorful and around the house there is plenty of space to relax with a good book or to go for a walk in nature.

second retreat - Pension Finel

The Pension Finel is a retreat house close to the lake of Thun. We will again have the newly renovated house to ourselves and enjoy the quiet environment to self-reflect, advance and to also enjoy the beautiful nature surrounding us. The vegeterian food gets beautifully prepared by a local chef and there is a lot of space for you to be and enjoy.

β€œThe thing you fear most has no power. Your fear of it is what has the power. Facing the truth really will set you free.”
