Get inspired.
This podcast inspires you to create a happy, healthy & natural life - without perfection and on your own terms. Immerse yourself in personal development topics and grow as a person. Discover different health tools for body, mind and soul and feel motivated to implement change. Find out what works for you and create the happy habits that help you shine your light. Brought to you on a bi-weekly basis with inspiration from individuals, cultures, philosophies and religions around the world. You can expect a colourful mix of solo-episodes, meditations and interviews.
#20 - how to eat & live a passionate and holistically healthy life
Interview with Debora (Food by Debora)
#19 - 3 steps to engage more consciously with Social Media
Do you often find yourself mindlessly scrolling or grabbing your phone when you don't want to sit in your discomfort or with boredom? In this episode I share my experience with Social Media, the positive effects on my mental health and focus during my Social Media detox and 3 steps how you can reflect with me to engage more consciously with Social Media:
1) Take an inventory of your Social Media use: How often do you go on Social Media? How much time do you spend on it? What do you use it for? Why do you use it in that moment in time?
2) Assess the impact on your life: What emotions are you feeling when you engage on Social Media or after having been on it? How does Social Media shape your world-view? Are you putting pressure on yourself with Social Media?
3) As you have created space and awareness - now it's time to re-evaluate your use of these apps and consciously decide how much time you want to spend on them. You get to find methods that work for you to train your mind and focus on these platforms.
#18 - how to terminate imposture syndrome (WHO AM I TO...?)
Interview with Ines Padar
Have you ever doubted yourself and had the following thoughts cross your mind - Who am I to teach others? Who am I to charge this price? Or have you ever felt like you don't know enough and should get more certifications before you are ready?
In this interview with Ines Padar (@inespadar) you get to question these beliefs and allow yourself to step into your full power.
Learn more from Ines about:
what imposture syndrome is and how you can identify the typical symptoms
her 3 pillar model to help you turn around these negative beliefs that hold you back
her own journey with imposture syndrome and depression and what helped her work through it
how fear can drive your money mindset and success
the difference between money blocks and receiving money blocks
why receiving money might be very unfamiliar to you and how you can shift your money mindset
# 17 - how to befriend self-care and implement practices that work for you and your life
Interview with Randy Kay
Have you ever had the feeling that something was completely wrong with you and your life? Did you then think you should do a 180 degree turn and from the next day on you would do everything differently and take care of yourself?
Did it work? My guess is no.
This interview with Randy Kay (@naturallyrandikay) invites you to take a different perspective on self-care. She shares her professional wisdom and her personal experience about:
how she defines self-care and how you can integrate self-care sprinkles instead of trying to turn your whole life around
how you can listen to yourself and find out what you really want and need
how her model of the cycle of self-care can help you implement lasting practices
how you can re-program your brain to see stillness as a safe place and not something you want to run away from
how slowing down and breathing properly can make a huge difference
her story with depression and what helped her befriend the depression and her sensitivity
#16 - When are you worthy of self-love?
Join in on this short reflection on self-love asking yourself:
When do you deem yourself worthy of self-love?
Are you tying self-love to achievement?
Do you only love and accept yourself when you are upbeat, inspired and happy?
Are you waiting for a day to finally be able to love yourself?
The first step to moving towards more self-love is always asking yourself questions to take a snapshot of your current situation and questioning the rules that you impose on yourself. By imposing these rules you might create a lot of internal pressure of "never enough" to love and accept yourself. Maybe it's time to set yourself free from this pressure and allow yourself to fly high - not on achievement, but on life satisfaction.
At the end of this short episode we will do a short meditation helping you to lovingly embrace your emotions and whatever is present in your internal world.
#15 - how to start your authentic SELF-LOVE & BODY-ACCEPTANCE journey
Interview with Cait
Get inspired to move from criticism to self-love through this raw, funny & dynamic conversation with Cait (@why_cait). She is a South-African - English human being who is into self-love, yoga & body acceptance and is on a mission to inspire other humans on their body-acceptance journey by sharing authentically on Social Media. In this episode she is taking you into her journey from dieting, over-exercising and an eating disorder to being able to sit with herself and her emotions. She very energetically shares her insights on:
how to start on your self-love and body-acceptance journey
the benefits of being kind to yourself
how to sit with your emotions instead of numbing
the benefits of questioning beauty standards and diet culture
how talking about taboos can help you set yourself free
how you can build up your self-care toolkit
her mission to show people that they are normal and that they can show themselves to the world - without filters!
how acceptance can help you step into your potential and create space to create what you want and much more!
#14 - follow your JOY despite the FEARS
Interview with snowboarder CELIA PETRIG
Get inspired to follow your joy & live your dream despite the fears through this conversation with Celia Petrig. She is a professional snowboarder, snowboard instructor, loves sports in general and is just a very chilled and sweet human being who follows her passions. She vulnerably shares:
what habits help her to connect to herself
how the pressure she puts on herself can lead to overwhelm and how she deals with that
how she learned to take responsibility for her thoughts and perceptions and not to be a victim of the world
what snowboarding means to her and what her vision for women in snowboarding is
how her parents supported her to go after what she wants and not what society tell you
how mountains & the ocean help her to be patient and set everything into perspective
#13 - how FOREST BATHING helps you slow down & re-connect
Interview with Ruta Mikulenaite
Join this interesting conversation with Ruta Mikulenaite and dive deeper into the practice of forest bathing, the beauty and wisdom of nature as well as neuro-coaching. She shares her insights on:
how nature healed her and brought her back to herself
the practice of forest bathing and how slowing down and re-connecting to nature can have incredible positive impacts on your life
how zooming into the beauty of nature with all of your senses helps you zoom into the beauty of yourself
her journey from a corporate job to becoming fully independent and the self-doubts she is encountering along the way
how Neuro-Coaching can help you understand how our brain is wired to put more focus on threat than reward
#12 - the HEALING powers of the MOUNTAINS, NATURE & YOGA
Interview with Kate Ballard
This vulnerable conversation with Kate Ballard inspires you to connect with the healing powers of nature, the mountains and yoga. Kate is a mountaineer, snowboarder, paraglider, yoga teacher and adventurer of life and the mountains. Having recently lost her brother in the mountains and as a young girl her mother, she is sharing what helps her on her physical & emotional healing journey and how she wants to inspire other people who experienced major trauma in their lives.
She shares her inspiring wisdom on:
the power of stillness and coming back to the present moment
how to sit with your demons and give space to your pain
how to silence the inner chatter and get un-stuck through nature
how to find joy in the outdoors & follow your path through perseverance
how embracing the polarity of everything can help you set your challenges into perspective
how to respect mountains, nature and yourself and much more...
#11 - how to protect yourself from NEGATIVE ENERGY & PEOPLE
Welcome to this episode on how to learn to work with your own energy and the energy of other people. If you often take on negative energy and try to bring more harmony to a situation - this episode is for you. You will learn more about the following tips that can help you to stay more connected to yourself and not suck in negative energy:
Start seeing the world as a network of energy. Every person is constantly sending and receiving energy and signals from others.
Take time to check in with yourself, to get to know your internal world more and take responsibility for the energy that you send out.
Get curious about WHY other people are sending this energy - what is behind it? Develop more compassion for others by seeing their life wounds and the hurt little child within them.
Create space to create boundaries between your energy and the energy of others. Drop the need to create harmony at all times. It is ok to stay in discomfort.
#10 - 3 TIPS when you are starting your Business/Project
Do you want to start your own project, but you are feeling insecure about it?
This episode celebrates the 1-year anniversary of my business Happy Habits with Selin and I am sharing with you 3 tips that helped me on my business journey:
Get into doing mode instead of thinking about perfection: Start doing now and allow yourself to fail.
Out-grow yourself and your limiting beliefs. Your business is only ever as successful as you invest in your personal growth.
Get business/marketing know-how and then listen to your own inner compass to find your path
#9 - extend LOVE & KINDNESS to yourself and others
This 10 -minute Metta meditation helps you to extend love & kindness toward yourself and others.
Do this meditation first thing in the morning for a great start into the day. Or you could use it whenever you need a quick break from overwhelm or being in an angry state. We can not hold conflicting emotions - so if you are feeling angry and low at the moment - this quick 10-minute connection with your inner world can help you shift your emotions towards love & kindness.
#8 - how to CONNECT to your HEART
This is for all the FELLOW HEAD PEOPLE who love to over-think and find it hard to connect to their heart. Listen to this if you find it hard to take decisions that feel good. This is for you if you don't really know what you want, but you feel like there is love and joy lacking in your life.
You get to learn:
how powerful your heart is
how important your heart is and how you can directly impact your health by feeling elevated emotions
and discover 2 POWERFUL TOOLS to connect to your heart, find out what you want and heal your inner child wounds so you can open your heart again
Inspiration for this episode came from the HeartMath Institute, Anna Elfving-Gomes and Dr. Joe Dispenza.
#7 - FOCUS on what you CAN CONTROL
Are you feeling a little overwhelmed and anxious about the current situation or other challenges in your life? Join me in this conversation to learn how you can shift your focus on what you can control instead of what you can't control.
Find out:
how to train your mind to become more focused
how to deal with a situation when you feel overwhelmed by your negative thoughts and scenarios in your head
why acceptance of resistance & discomfort is crucial for your journey
why limiting your distractions helps you to become more focused
#6 - guided evening MEDITATION to let go of overwhelm and racing thoughts
Welcome to your evening meditation helping you to step from overwhelm into relaxation and acceptance.
This 20-minute guided meditation takes you into a deeply relaxed state and you get to:
deeply relax your mind & body
review your day and become present by accepting what was
review what you learned and want to do better
tap into the joy, gratitude and love within you
use powerful affirmations to tap into your power
It's a great practice to journal on your experience and reinforce the positive experiences you have had.
#5 - from Perfectionism to Compassion
In this episode you get inspired to uncover your perfectionist tendencies and move towards more compassion for yourself and others. You get to find out what perfectionism is, what the root cause of these tendencies are and what the impact could be on your life.
Become aware of your perfectionist tendencies and what standards you are setting for yourself
Gain clarity what the impact is on your life and if these tendencies actually serve you
Take steps towards compassion by adapting different standards, up-leveling your self-talk, making praise familiar, inviting in play, starting seeing mistakes as opportunities for growth and going with the flow
#4 - unlearn what does not serve you
Interview with Jefe (Jefe Living)
In this interview you get to dive deep into the life story of Jefe whose journey includes moving from obesity and loss into compassion and living his version of a purposeful life. He takes us into his process of letting go of trying to impress and proving that he is enough through prestigious studies to following his heart. You get inspired to think about your own life choices and how you might keep yourself in a box that is not actually you. You get inspired to unlearn what keeps you small and unfulfilled to step into the life-long process of learning who you really are.
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#3 - break free from self-limiting beliefs
Breaking free from your self-limiting beliefs helps you create the life you want and feel inner peace & satisfaction. So often we try to consciously change something, but the programming in our sub-conscious prevents us from actually pulling through. Working on your beliefs and transforming them into empowering software can truly transform your experience of life. Join me for this solo-episode and explore:
what beliefs are and how they filter our view of the world
why it is important to have a look at your belief system and decide if they are serving you
4 steps how to start working on your self-limiting beliefs
#2 - transform your trauma
Interview with Hanna von Hafenbrädl (Happy Jack Yoga)
Join me to travel with and into the life of Hanna who turned a tragic loss into a sacred moment. Hanna is leading transformative yoga teacher trainings, is a mother of two, a widow and an inspiring traveller of life. Join in for this beautiful, hearth-felt conversation about loss, travelling inwards and incredible wisdom about:
the power of presence and how to become present
how to work through trauma and use your life experiences to help others
how to step into vulnerability and learn to hold space for yourself by becoming your own best friend
how to be ok with who you are and start seeing yourself as a mystery to yourself
how to become a luminous leader by confronting your fears and self-limiting beliefs
#1 - how to re-write your story
Write your own life story in an empowering way. Learn to view your past as a set of experiences that turned you into uniquely who you are today. Working on your past is a great way to accept and to stop trying to still change it. It helps you live more in the present moment and create the future you actually want.