
Casa Schira, Valle Onsernone, Ticino


time off to take care of your body, mind & soul

You know on an intellectual level that you can’t give unless your own cup is full. You know that self-care is important - but somehow life always happens and in the end of the day, there is no time for you. Take time off to find motivation to make self-care a priority for you. Find out what works for you and start integrating that in your life.

your retreat experiences:

  • energising morning breathing sessions & yoga flows (outdoors if possible)

  • guided meditations to calm your busy mind

  • introduction to Ayurvedic & other self-care practices

  • vegan cooking class

  • workshop about a healthy diet & eating habits

  • mindfulness walks in nature

  • coaching input & self-reflection about your relationship with yourself and your self-care practices

  • sharing circles to deeply connect to others

  • calming evening yin yoga or yoga nidra sessions


Your package

  • morning & evening yoga/meditation sessions

    • any level is welcome

    • guided in English

  • vegan cooking classes

    • any level is welcome

    • ask all the question you have always wanted about a plant-based diet

  • coaching input & self-reflection sessions

  • walks in nature with mindfulness and rewilding practices

  • 2 nights accommodation in the Casa Schira

  • healthy, nutritious and beautiful vegan meals (can be adapted to your special food needs)

  • small group size (max 10 people)



  • between 15:00-18:00: arrival at the Casa Schira

  • 18:30: welcome circle & dinner

  • 20:00: relaxing yin yoga


  • 07:30-09:30: energizing morning yoga & meditation

  • 09:30: brunch

  • 11:00: mindfulness walk (around 3 hours)

  • 17:00: cooking class

  • 18:30: dinner

  • 20:30: relaxing yoga nidra & yin yoga


  • 07:30: energizing morning yoga & meditation

  • 09:30 brunch

  • 10:30: healthy eating workshop

  • 13:00: closing session (outdoors if possible)

  • 14:30: departure

*times are approximate. This program might get adapted depending on the weather.

Meet your teachers



a passion for food & the psychology of life

Debora is a majored psychologist and a passionate and nutrition-conscious vegan chef from Switzerland. She is convinced that a balanced vegan nutrition has a positive effect on health, both physically and mentally. During her three and a half years as a nomadic traveller, she had insight into different ways of life and cuisines around the world. This cultural inspiration can be felt strongly in her catering food by Debora.


a passion for movement, nature & yoga

In March 2020, Selin's path of seeking brought her to a yoga teacher training in India. She had been practicing yoga and meditation on and off since 2015 and loved the calming effect it had on her mind. During that program, she realized that she had only ever touched the surface. By peeling off layer after layer of expectations, perfection, doubts, ego, and numbing; she was able to go much deeper. What she found was the enough-ness and acceptance she always tried to find on the outside. What she found was more clarity and real freedom to just be – to be the whole of herself.


Dates 2022:

  • 7.-9.10.22

Prices 2022*:

  • dorm room (3-4 per room - very spacious): 750 CHF

  • twin room: 830 CHF (only 2 available)

  • private room: 980 CHF (only 1 available)

    Early Bird Price of 100 CHF off until 7. August


  • only 10 spots available



& Lodge

Paese 52, 6661 Loco, Valle Onsernone

How to get here

Train: take the train to Locarno station - then take the bus from there to the village of Loco

Car: public parking spaces available along the road (limited - it is advised to travel by public transport)

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Wild Valley - Valle Onsernone

The Wild Valley is a gorgeous valley in Ticino covered in thick forests and beautiful rivers. The village we will stay in is a small and charismatic place, allowing you to deep dive into holiday feelings straight away.

*picture from

hiking in Onsernone valley


DEUTSCH: “Der self-care Yoga-Retreat mit Selin und Debora war absolut transformierend. Das vielfältige Programm beinhaltete Yoga-, Achtsamkeits- und Atemübungen, Wanderungen, Kochstunden sowie einen sehr informativen Ernährungs-Workshop. Die vier Tage im Tessin taten sowohl dem Körper als auch dem Geist und der Seele sehr gut. Die Batterien konnten definitiv wieder aufgeladen werden. Nach dem Retreat kam ich voller Elan und mit vielen neuen Kochideen nachhause und freue mich nun darauf, das Gelernte in mein Leben zu integrieren.” - Marina

ENGLISH: The self-care yoga retreat with Selin and Debora was absolutely transformative. The varied programme included yoga, mindfulness and breathing exercises, hikes, cooking lessons and a very informative nutrition workshop. The four days in Ticino were very good for the body as well as the mind and soul. The batteries could definitely be recharged. After the retreat, I came home full of energy and with many new cooking ideas and am now looking forward to integrating what I learned into my life."

Retreat Impressions by a Participant

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